What Is Chiropractic?

What Is Chiropractic?

What Is Chiropractic? Chiropractic is commonly viewed as a way of addressing back pain. We often hear statements like: “I threw my back out.” “I slipped a disc.” “I’ve got a crick in my neck.”...

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What is a Subluxation?

What is a Subluxation?

What is a Subluxation? When a bone in the spinal column (aka vertebra) misaligns, it moves backwards towards the spinal cord and the nerves that transmit information between the brain and the cells of the body.  A subluxation is nerve...

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Why Chiropractic Works

Why Chiropractic Works

Why Chiropractic Works   Chiropractic is very complex in what it can address, but very simple in how it works.   Remove interference from your nervous system and allow what God created to function as intended.     Nerve...

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Can It Help Me?

Can It Help Me?

Can It Help Me?   We focus on removing nerve pressure to facilitate healing. Only Your Body Can Heal Itself!   Who could benefit from a nervous system that is functioning as it should? Everyone Every Age (Infants to Seniors) A natural...

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