Healing & Hospitality

Phases of Healing

The Healing Process

Healing is a process that takes time.  You may be aware of pain or dysfunction within your body, but you may not know how or when it truly began.  Just as symptoms usually develop over time, you have to allow yourself time to heal.  We can make the correction.  Your body does the healing.  Your healing process is unique to you!

Phase 1 – Acute Care

Focus of the Acute Phase – Symptom Relief

We know that your #1 reason (most likely) for seeking our help is that you want to feel better.  You want relief from whatever health issues are disrupting your life.

Our goal is getting you out of pain/dysfunction as quickly as possible.

Phase 2 – Corrective Care

Focus of The Corrective Phase – Fix The Problem

Now that you are feeling better, you may choose to take a break from care.  That is perfectly fine.  We’ll be here when you need us.  However, if you are pleased with your healing journey hopefully you will choose to stay the course so that the problem can be corrected.  You see how you feel can be deceiving.  Just as your symptoms/dysfunction probably took time to become apparent, correcting the problem can take time.  Symptom relief is the first step.  Healing can take more time.  Your body has a process of compensation and protection when it recognizes a problem within itself.  In seeking to correct the problem, you have to allow your body time to reverse this process.

Phase 3 – Wellness Care

Focus of The Wellness Phase – Maximize Your Health


You’ve made such great choices to take control of your health!  We would be happy to help you maintain the correction, prevent future problems, and maximize your health.  Periodic checkups can help detect little problems before they become big ones.

Keep Your Nervous System Functioning @ 100%

Maximize Function

Maximize Immunity

Maximize Mobility

Maximize Health

Maximize YOU

Healing & Hospitality

We Are Here For You

We are committed to providing you with the personalized chiropractic care that you need!

It’s your decision. 

Are you seeking symptom relief?        Do you want to correct the problem?        Do you want to focus on wellness & prevention?

It’s Up To You!!! 

Let us know what your goals are.
We will . .
Listen To YOU        Address Your Concerns/Question        Give You The Very Best Care Possible

    Please contact us to find out how we can help you!